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Public and private healthcare in Thailand [INFOGRAPHIC]

What’s the difference between public and private healthcare in Thailand? What’s a better choice for a foreigner visiting, or planning to relocate to Thailand, when it comes to receiving medical care and complying with local regulations and mandatory health insurance requirements? Read the latest Pacific Prime infographic to find out!

Public and private healthcare in Thailand Infographic

Pacific Prime takes great pride in creating informative and up-to-date content for our clients and other interested parties. Along with the vast array of reports, guides, whitepapers, and blog posts, the above infographic supplements our recently released complimentary Public and Private Healthcare in Bangkok Guide. In this guide, readers can find insiders' insights on the ins and outs of the healthcare system in Thailand and a detailed description of the healthcare and insurance options in Thailand’s busiest city - Bangkok. 

The infographic showcases a few main points differentiating the public and private healthcare in Thailand, focusing on the number of facilities, prices, and key features of each of the healthcare provider's types. However, the information portrayed in the infographics is only the tip of the iceberg of information that can be found in the dedicated Public and Private Healthcare in Bangkok Guide

For those traveling for the first time to the Land of Smiles, it may come as a surprise that Thailand has introduced mandatory health insurance laws to ensure people coming here can have access to at least basic medical care. With that in mind, it’s imperative for both tourists, and those planning to settle in Thailand to know who, and to what extent has to comply with the mandatory health insurance. Our infographic briefly talks about expat health insurance in Thailand for those with a work permit, retirees, and tourists as those plans and requirements vary. 

For all those looking for more information about Thailand's travel insurance, or individual health insurance in Thailand, we would like to encourage you to get in touch with us directly. Pacific Prime Thailand offers a free consultation, plans comparisons and our expert insurance advisors are well informed with the latest health insurance requirements in the Kingdom of Thailand and can offer individual advice on hospital and clinic choices, especially for those living or visiting Bangkok.

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